Davenport Diamond guideway

Progress on Davenport Diamond project

Huge strides on Davenport Diamond Guideway continue. Flyover video gives viewers a unique view.

Nov 14, 2022

Metrolinx has made substantial progress on the Davenport Diamond Guideway project.

Crews continue to push forward to complete the necessary work on the bridges, underpasses and major components of the elevated guideway. 

Now a new flyover video takes viewers high above the critical Barrie GO Line project.

The Davenport Diamond Guideway project will improve GO service reliability and connect commuters within our communities.

By elevating the Barrie GO Line, it will allow GO Trains to travel above Canadian Pacific freight train tracks and traffic. Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to easily travel underneath the guideway at various east-west connection points.  

Bloor Street Bridge

The new west span at Bloor Street West is now complete.

A new west mainline rail track will be constructed on top of the bridge.

The new east bridge will be constructed after the removal of the existing diversion track next year.

Davenport Diamond guideway

2021: Looking north over Bloor Street West. (Metrolinx photo)

Davenport Diamond guideway

2022: Looking north over Bloor Street West with new west span of the rail bridge constructed. (Metrolinx photo)

Davenport Diamond – CP Rail and Barrie GO Line interchange

Construction of the new Metrolinx rail bridge over the CP tracks is complete. The new bridge will carry GO Trains above ground, allowing CP trains to travel underneath.

Davenport Diamond guideway

2021: Looking north-west over the Davenport Diamond – just north of Dupont Street. (Metrolinx photo)

Davenport Diamond guideway

2022: Looking north-west over the Davenport Diamond – just north of Dupont Street. New Metrolinx rail bridge installed over the CP tracks. (Metrolinx photo)

Elevated guideway

The total length of the elevated guideway is 1.4 km and is located approximately from Bloor Street West to south of Davenport Road.

The elevated guideway between Wallace Avenue and the CP Rail and Barrie GO Line intersection has progressed substantially.

Davenport Diamond guideway

2021: Looking north-west from Wallace Avenue as crews prepare for construction at the elevated guideway. (Metrolinx photo)

Davenport Diamond guideway

2022: Looking down at the elevated guideway, with girders installed in the foreground. (Metrolinx photo)

The Davenport Diamond Guideway project supports more frequent, two-way, all-day train service in both directions on the Barrie Line.

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by Teresa Ko Metrolinx communications senior advisor