GO Trains on Milton and Lakeshore Lines set to change size
GO Transit adjusting length of certain train trips to meet ridership demands & to prevent crowding.
Jun 18, 2020
Here’s the long and the short of it – things are changing on three GO Transit rail lines.
After closely monitoring customer volumes in the past month, Metrolinx is adjusting the length of some trains to match demand – all while using resources efficiently.
Starting June 22, the number of cars on some weekday Milton and Lakeshore trains will change. Some trips will see an increase, while others will have less train cars. This allows GO to better allocate resources and ensure there is enough space at the busiest times.
This builds on changes that were made in late May to increase the number trains and service on the certain GO lines.
Metrolinx is asking customers to do a few things to help keep everyone safe.
Wear a face covering when you ride public transit.. Also, have a look down the platform when the train pulls into the station and move down if too many people are boarding in the same area. Don’t pile into one door, just because everyone else seems to be.
A Lakeshore East GO Train pulls into Danforth GO station (Caroline Busbridge photo)
New GO train length info
For customers looking to take Lakeshore East, Lakeshore West or Milton GO trains, starting June 22, the number of cars on these weekday trains will be changing:
Lakeshore West changes:
- The eastbound 6:16 and 7:16 a.m. trains from Hamilton GO will have eight cars instead of 12
- The westbound 4:13 and 5:13 p.m. trains from Union Station will have eight cars instead of 12
Lakeshore East changes:
- The westbound 5:10 a.m. train from Oshawa will have eight cars instead of six
- The westbound 5:40, 6:40 and 7:40 a.m. trains from Oshawa will have 10 cars instead of 12
- The eastbound 3:13 and 4:13 p.m. trains from Union Station will have eight cars instead of six
- The eastbound 4:43 p.m. train from Union Station will have 10 cars instead of 12
- The eastbound 5:13 p.m. train from Union Station will have 10 cars instead of six
- The eastbound 5:43 p.m. train from Union Station will have six cars instead of 12
Milton changes
- The eastbound 7 a.m. train from Milton GO will have eight cars instead of six.
- The westbound 7:10 p.m. train from Union Station will have eight cars instead of six.
Safety Never Stops
Customer safety is Metrolinx’s top priority. More than 40 new safety measures have been introduced since the start of year and continue to thoroughly clean and disinfect trains, buses, and stations every day. Metrolinx is also asking customers to help keep everyone safe by following the guidance of public health officials and use a face covering when on transit. For the latest on Metrolinx’s response to COVID-19, click here.
Want more information on service changes?
To learn more about the changes to train schedules and train lengths for specific trips, click here.
by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager