An earth mover digs into dirt, with a tunnel just behind.

Crosstown LRT construction images show haunting cavern work

Showcasing three spectacular photos capturing recent work in the tunnels below the city.

Nov 25, 2019

The seasons change above, but deep below Toronto, the caverns create their own cool and constant climate.

Unhampered by snow, and below the frost line, builders of the Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit (LRT) system are busy with continuing excavation work, as well as toiling on archways.

a large cavern with machinery nearby.

Concrete archway works are advancing at Avenue Station, as steel framing inches ever further down the cavern. (Metrolinx photo)

The latest images – far from sight of those who live and work in Crosstown neighbourhoods – are like paintings, as light plays with shadow in a world customers will see with their own eyes when the LRT opens in 2021.

Spotlights illuminate a work site in a tunnel.

Here’s the view down Laird Station, with concrete archway works now taking place towards the east end of the cavern. (Metrolinx photo)

Though it will all look drastically different than it does now when project builders, Crosslinx Transit Solutions, are done with their work.

An earth mover digs into dirt, with a tunnel just behind.

Crews at Leaside are currently removing tunnel segments as they make way for the station platform with the final stages of excavation. (Metrolinx photo)