concrete and steel used for a large parking structure.

Bloomington GO takes shape as construction moves forward

Bloomington GO – an all-new station – is currently under construction in York Region.

Dec 17, 2019

For a moment, we want to park it and idle here for a moment.

At least long enough to share some images of work happening at Highway 404 and Bloomington Road – a strong foundation that will soon become the newest GO station to be built in the region.

It includes a huge parking complex, station and canopies to keep future customers sheltered from the elements.

When it’s done, Bloomington GO station will be the 68th station in the GO Network.

a large parking garage, near to the tracks.

Here’s a north side view of the three level parking structure which will have a capacity to accommodate 760 parking spaces, along with the new CN bridge in the background which will be home to new heated shelters within an integrated canopy structure. (Metrolinx photo)

The bones of the station have been built and soon enough will allow GO customers to jump on board a Richmond Hill GO train and head into Toronto while creating more connections in York Region.

Concrete trucks are lined up to pump in concrete into the construction area.

Half of the first section of canopies are completed with the second half being prepped to accept concrete. Also, concrete is being pumped up to the third level of the parking structure to complete the final parking level. (Metrolinx photo)

Speaking of foundations, the concrete is barely dry on the new three level parking structure that will house more than 750 new parking spots for GO customers.

concrete and steel used for a large parking structure.

Bloomington’s parking structure. (Metrolinx photo)

Closer to the tracks, work is progressing on the platforms where the metal skeletons are taking shape for what will eventually become canopies – shelters to keep everyone warm and dry.

the tracks with platform work being done.

Here are the future platform canopies being formed and support falsework being erected. (Metrolinx photo)

Inside the station building itself (which will be fully accessible and LEED Gold certified) you can see the work is coming along nicely.

Workers work inside the concrete shell of the station.

Here’s the inside of the future station. (Metrolinx photo)

Curious about what else is being built as part of Bloomington GO?

  • Passenger pick-up and drop-off area (Kiss & Ride)
  • 6 bay bus loop for local transit connections
  • Bicycle shelters and scooter parking
  • A bike lane and bike shelters with direct access to the platform, to keep you safe and connected
Crews work on the inside of a bus shelter.

Here’s the ceiling of the future bus bay being installed with steel framing so as to accommodate the suspended metal ceiling system that will be put in throughout this six bay bus loop for local transit connections. (Metrolinx photo)

Want to learn more about Bloomington GO Station? Click here to see our previous story on what is soon to be GO’s newest station.