patterns on the walls.

How the Crosstown LRT is adding creative touches to its design

This week’s new images show the route is also a canvas of creativity.

Dec 9, 2020

There’s the science of creating a new transit system across Canada’s largest city.

And then there’s feeding the senses and emotions of customers as they make that journey.

This week’s update of the newest crop of images from the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (LRT) project demonstrate there’s some creative expression taking place inside the rail lines.

Back in 2018, Metrolinx revealed eight pieces of art that would be used at Crosstown stations. At the Science Centre stop, ‘Total Lunar Eclipse’, by Sarah Morris, is now being installed.

patterns on the walls.

At the Science Centre stop, riders will take in the colourful ‘Total Lunar Eclipse’, by Sarah Morris. (Metrolinx photo)

At Mount Dennis, an urban tapestry is being put in. Each station’s platform will feature a tapestry lining the walls, adding colour and wayfinding for customers.

an orange pattern on a wall.

The tapestry at Mount Dennis. (Metrolinx photo)

And while perhaps not art, a splash of colour is being added to Keelesdale Station, with the addition of canopy cladding at the main entrance.

orange material over an entrance to the station.

A bit more colour at Keelesdale. (Metrolinx photo)

Future travels on Crosstown may be quick and clean, but there will still be room for some creative expression.