new clear plastic dividers between seats on GO Train are being rolled out on some GO Trains

How GO Transit customers help keep themselves and others safe

Metrolinx wants customers to step up and help slow the spread of germs by wearing a face covering.

Jul 6, 2020

During COVID-19, face coverings and transit have become a dynamic duo.

It’s kind of like a Batman and Robin situation, where train and bus riders are the caped crusaders.

Like all transit agencies in the region, Metrolinx wants everyone to wear a face covering when on GO Transit and UP Express. The transit agency wants customers to add a face covering to their list of essential travel items, right up there with a PRESTO card.

Even in the summer heat, most of the good people out there on GO and UP vehicles are donning their preferred type of mask because it’s the right thing to do.

“I’m doing it not just to protect myself, but others too,” says Olivera Kralj, who was sitting in a GO Train featuring the new clear plastic seat dividers.

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Olivera Kralj says she wears a mask in all indoor public spaces including on transit (Scott Money photo)

“A lot of people make a big deal out of it, it’s just a mask,” she said as she rode a Lakeshore West train on Monday (July 6).

Others, like long-time GO customer Ivan Cidric, say that it’s just part of everyday life “in these strange times we live in.”

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Clarkson GO Station customer Ivan Cidric says he always wears a mask on transit as a precaution. (Scott Money photo).

Regardless of the reason, public health experts say face coverings are one important way to protect yourself and others while riding public transit or in other situations when physical distancing isn’t possible.

That’s why Sara Gebru is wearing a face covering on her first transit trip since the pandemic started. “It’s nice to see so many people wearing them,” she says. Metrolinx is happy to see people adopting the habit as well.

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GO Transit customer Sara Gebru wears a mask as she waits for her train at Toronto’s Union Station. (Scott Money photo)

Although we know a small percentage of people cannot wear face-coverings for health reasons, Metrolinx is asking more people to channel their inner superhero. Go out and get a face covering. Maybe even one featuring that flying rodent from Gotham City or your favourite transit bear mascot.

screen capture of instagram post from customer wearing a mask on transit

A GO customer posted on Instagram about her recent experience riding the Lakeshore West GO Train, in a snazzy face covering (Post by @sassy_n_skin)

If you can’t wait for a GO Bear face covering (stay tuned for news on GO mask giveaways), we’ll even settle for the Care Bears.

by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager