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Finch West LRT bridge replacement work unfolds on social media

Major project involving Highway 400 crossing at Toronto’s Finch Avenue is now 50% complete.

Jun 15, 2020

The first weekend of major bridge work for the Finch West light rail transit project is in the books – told, in short chapters, on Twitter.

When it’s done, the Finch West LRT line will pass below the existing Highway 400 Bridge at Finch Avenue West. Construction of the line has accelerated the Province of Ontario’s plan to rehabilitate the Highway 400 Bridge.

You can be excused if you weren’t glued to your phone all weekend, so here’s a look at ohow it went in real-time social media updates:

Work started early Saturday morning (June 13) and Mother Nature was definitely cooperating.

In the video posted below, you can see how one of the most important steps takes place. The chunks of the bridge come pre-assembled and that helps get things done quickly.

Transit fans had some solid questions about the work and the answers might surprise you.

As the weekend draws to a close, it took a lot of trucks full of asphalt to get the job done.

More good news. Whether it was the good weather or just good planning – the work was done ahead of schedule.

While the photos are great, fans of the project are calling for video – and we’ve heard your call.

That was fun right? Well we enjoyed the first weekend so much, we’re going to do it all again next week. Next up, the northbound section.