the inside of the Science Centre, with large concrete walls and building equipment.

Crosstown LRT project focuses on transit shelters

Update on Eglinton Crosstown LRT focuses the camera on spaces – big and small – that offer shelter.

Mar 5, 2020

Every journey needs safe havens.

This update on progress on the Eglinton light rail transit (LRT) project focuses a camera lens on spaces – big and small – that offer shelter.

the inside of the Science Centre, with large concrete walls and building equipment.

Inside Science Centre Station, power line supports are now in place. (Metrolinx photo)

The first comes from inside Science Centre station, where supports for the overhead power line are now up at platform level. While still looking a bit like a concrete cavern, you can start to see the elements that will be familiar routes for customers, including escalators that are covered by protective white sheets.

a crane moving a shelter into place.

The first surface-section pedestrian shelter at the Pharmacy stop. (Metrolinx photo)

For the second image, we get to see something that Pharmacy stop passengers will count on when the wet and cold weather sets in. Crews have now installed the first surface-section pedestrian shelter at that section of the Toronto LRT route – they come prefabricated and are hoisted into place.

As a note of their expertise, notice how crews have to work near a lot of urban obstacles, including overhead wires.

For other recent Crosstown stories, go here. And keep checking back, as we approach the completion of the first Crosstown station.