a tractor digging into the building.

Agincourt GO Station demolition begins – See the first images

To make way for something better, the old Agincourt GO Station is coming down.

Feb 9, 2021

It’s the beginning of the end for the old Agincourt GO Station, as wrecking crews have moved in to demolish the building to make way for a new and improved structure.

We’ll have a full feature on the Scarborough community stop coming down soon, but we wanted to bring images of the first cuts to the structure that has been up for almost 40 years.

As you see, the heavy equipment is easily digging in.

A tractor rips into the roof of a station building.

Machinery makes a first cut into the old station. (Metrolinx photo)

a tractor digging into the building.

Deeper – The big machine making quick work of the old transit building. (Metrolinx photo)

What will rise at the site is an improved Agincourt GO, with amenities and access to more frequent, all-day, two-way GO train service on core segments of the Stouffville line.

Stay tuned to Metrolinx News for that full story.

And for more information on Agincourt GO project and to get the latest updates, sign up for our Toronto East weekly e-blast here or follow us @GOExpansion.