Eglinton Crosstown LRT Central-East Open House - May 2021
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- Eglinton Crosstown LRT
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- Central-East Open House - May 2021
Eglinton Crosstown LRT Central-East Open House - May 2021
Eglinton Crosstown LRT Project Virtual Open House - Central East - Eglinton to Science Centre
Metrolinx and Crosslinx open houses are an opportunity to get project updates, to learn more about a specific topic of interest to you, and to ask general questions.
As we have shifted to virtual open houses, you can find below a project update presentation deck of this Spring’s Central East - Eglinton to Science Centre open house.
You can also download the presentation PDF below.
Note: There is no real-time engagement during the open house. We will work to ensure questions are answered within 3-5 business days.
View the Central East - Eglinton to Science Centre virtual open house presentation PDF.
Submit your questions about the presentation below. Question submission will close on May 12, 2021.
Questions not related to this presentation? Please Contact Us.
NOTE: Conduct inconsistent with our policies will result in the removal of your submission.