
Widening roads for Finch West LRT project

The Finch West light LRT project is moving forward & you can follow along as progress continues.

Nov 3, 2020

Sometimes it just takes a different perspective to appreciate how much things have changed.

Torontonians are used to road construction. It becomes the ever-present annoyance synonymous with city living. But when you get up high and look down on the progress, it’s almost beautiful.

Right now, construction crews are widening Highway 27 near Humber College’s North Campus.

Not only is this necessary to make room for Finch West LRT project (the vehicles will run on their own dedicated right-of-way) – it’s also a good time to relocate utilities like sewers.

Watch for more Finch West vehicle updates right here on Metrolinx News and on social media as progress continues for the new Finch West LRT line.

by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager