Two years and nearly 500 metres later
Take a look at some of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT progress currently being made.
Sep 17, 2019
The first time we visited Laird Station together was back in May and the sheer depth of the caverns below the city left us all a little slack-jawed.
Now we take a step back for some perspective and consider just how far this project has come in the last 25 months.
For anyone keeping track, Laird Station is the 13th station heading east along Eglinton Avenue for the Crosstown LRT line.
If you want to zoom out a little further, consider this aerial view of Eglinton Avenue.
This elevated guideway is where trains will travel east and west between Mount Dennis Station and Keelesdale.
Coming up in 2020, trains will be tested on this stretch of rail and travel to Caledonia Station.
It’s very exciting times for the Eglinton Crosstown LRT project, where the milestones keeping coming at a furious pace.