rebar forming the bottom of the site.

New Crosstown LRT photos show massive excavation sites

We’re looking up and down to see how deep the work at Kennedy and Oakwood stations is going.

Jan 23, 2020

At many of the stations along the Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit (LRT) route, workers have had to dig deep.

Not just in the tunnels, which are among the most popular photos we’ve featured during our constant updates of progress along the route, but also into massive excavation sites that are engineering wonders.

Two new images show how crews are going to great depths – and heights – to work on both Kennedy and Oakwood stations.

The photographs give a sense of working in an environment that is uniquely built deep into the Earth, but still wide open to the elements.

At Oakwood station, it’s a long way to the bottom of the main entrance shaft, where crews are beginning to place rebar and formwork for the main entrance.

rebar forming the bottom of the site.

The rebar that is starting to cover the roof of the box tunnels at Kennedy station. (Metrolinx photo)

And over at Kennedy, a web of rebar now covers the roof of the box tunnels on the east side of the station, in the vicinity of the Scarborough RT.

how high up the walls are at Oakwood.

Look way down – A view into the Oakwood construction site. (Metrolinx photo)

Now that we have you here, and as an interesting look at what the Kennedy station will look like once all the work is done, here’s a video of a virtual walk-through tour.

Want to see more about Kennedy station? Click here.

And want to see more about Oakwood station? Then just go here.