Crews work along tracks that twist and tun in a complicated pettern.

Keeping track of rail change – Crosstown LRT photo of the day

Take a look at some of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT progress currently being made.

Jun 10, 2019

The digging of the Crosstown light rail transit (LRT) tunnels is otherworldly.

And the building of platforms in concrete slabs in the middle of active Toronto neighbourhoods – growing daily right under the noses of motorists, pedestrians and local businesses – is a bit of architectural magic.

But this picture of complicated track-work being done along the LRT line had us glued to our monitors, as we scanned small details in a web of metal. It’s a reminder that Toronto’s new transit system won’t move a centimetre without carefully planned rails, as well as an example that construction goes beyond just spiking those lines down, east to west.

The special Crosstown track-work, in this case at Black Creek and Eglinton at Mount Dennis Station, includes turnouts and double crossover rail which allows trains to be guided from one track to another.

Crews work along tracks that twist and tun in a complicated pettern.

Rail installation continues down the elevated guideway towards the Black Creek Portal. (Metrolinx image)