Photo showing the length of the repair bays inside the Crosstown maintenance facility.

You’re invited inside the Crosstown's Maintenance Facility

We’re granting access to the brand new world-class Eglinton Crosstown LRT maintenance facility.

May 23, 2019

Every major enterprise in the world has a headquarters, that’s usually far outside the public’s eye.

We’re now opening up ours to you.

It’s not quite The Pentagon or Fort Knox, but the Eglinton Crosstown Maintenance Facility is command and control for the upkeep of the fleet of light rail vehicles (LRV) that will be used on the Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit (LRT) line. Normally locked up tight, we are inviting you inside to see the pride of Toronto’s next-generation of public transit.

Photo showing the length of the repair bays inside the Crosstown maintenance facility.

As part of Doors Open Toronto 2019, the Eglinton Crosstown LRT Maintenance and Storage Facility is allowing future customers and the curious to come inside – and for the first time, even step into one of our LRVs.


People are invited to learn about the enormous amount of progress that’s being made on Toronto’s new 19-km light rail transit line opening in 2021.

The Eglinton Crosstown LRT Maintenance and Storage Facility, located at 85 Industry Street in Toronto, will be open on May 25 from 10 am. to 5 pm. Completed just last year, the facility will be home to the fleet of LRVs, where they will be inspected, cleaned and maintained when they’re not busy transporting people across Eglinton Avenue.

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And since you’ve never been inside before – and we’re pretty proud of it, and those who work there – we thought we’d give you some sneak-peak photos, along with some facts that will put you ahead of the tour.

  • The Eglinton Crosstown maintenance facility provides mechanical maintenance capabilities, minor and major repair functions.
  • The facility sits on 20,000 square metres of land – or four NFL football fields.
  • Different levels will allow crews to work on every angle of the vehicles – including from below.
  • There’s even a train wash, which is basically a car wash on steroids.
  • The facility has a green roof that helps reduce energy consumption.

We are excited to show hundreds of future LRT riders this important facility that will help bring much needed rapid transit to Toronto. In the meantime, we’ll work on polishing up the place so it shines.

While Crosstown is your transit system, it’s rare we would leave these doors unlocked. We hope you’ll walk inside.

by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager