How LEGO toys play into building major Toronto transit stop
Metrolinx News is checking in with each of the Crosstown stations to highlight progress being made.
May 1, 2019
If you design and build big things – such as Toronto’s Crosstown project – you tend to think big.
But there are times when details of the process can resemble something small enough to fit into your childhood.
During our ongoing, station by station series on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT line, we’ve seen complicated construction tackled in many ways. But here’s how the work at the Mount Pleasant Station is like using LEGO.
Located at the intersection of Mount Pleasant Road and Eglinton Avenue East, it’s the 11th station on our Crosstown Progress tour.
Protecting Toronto’s heritage is important, as we learned with Chaplin Station. Mount Pleasant Station is also doing its part to keep Toronto’s history. Teams will be reconstructing the station’s main entrance’s façade by piecing together original bricks that were used to build what was the old Imperial Bank building from 90 years ago. A little trivia to talk to coworkers about over a morning brew, following its use as a bank, the building was a Second Cup location.
When construction began in 2016, hundreds of bricks from the building were removed, catalogued, and stored off-site. Upon the station’s completion in 2021, the bricks will be reattached in the same order they originally stood and will outfit the station’s new retail space.
The future station will also have 30 outdoor bicycle parking spots and on-street connections to TTC buses.
The team won’t be using this LEGO-like approach to construct the entire station.
The rest of Mount Pleasant Station is being built using a top-down, cut-and-cover method, meaning that ongoing excavation work will be covered by concrete roof slabs for traffic to flow on top while work continues underneath.
Excavation is ongoing with the station’s roof construction currently taking place. Excavation will continue into 2020 but expect some relief as traffic lanes will reopen while crews will be digging deep and piecing together the station – in places, a brick at a time.
Sounds like child’s play? LEGO that silly idea Toronto.
by Erika D’Urbano Communications senior advisor