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Capital Projects Commercial Pipeline

Metrolinx aims to improve market engagement and participation locally and internationally.

To help achieve this goal Metrolinx is launching a Capital Project Commercial Pipeline which is intended to provide the market with better visibility into commercial opportunities at Metrolinx and to provide more time for the market to prepare effective bids and build teams as required.

This Pipeline includes opportunities for Construction Services, Technical Advisory, Design Engineering, Construction Administration and Professional Consulting Services.

The Metrolinx Capital Commercial Pipeline below will be updated approximately every 90 days to reflect any changes.

Metrolinx will continue to have productive discussions with the industry in addition to providing quarterly updates to our of list of capital projects.

Other key capital opportunities procured for Metrolinx by Infrastructure Ontario and included in their Market Updates can be found here:

Capital Projects Group Opportunities Pipeline July 2024

Metrolinx non Capital Projects Group Commercial Opportunities